The use of diacritical marks and their associated graphic characters are implemented differently on each platform. In order to reliably display particular special characters on WWW browsers, an HTML ΓÇ£escape sequenceΓÇ¥ beginning with an ampersand (&) and ending with a semicolon (;) substitutes for the special character.
For example, the HTML sequence for ΓÇ£fa├ºadeΓÇ¥ is ΓÇ£façadeΓÇ¥.
This command (found on the Utilities popUp menu) operates in three modes:
Scan Entities…
If you create a text selection and then choose the ΓÇ£Scan EntitiesΓÇ¥ command, the text selection will be scanned for any entity characters,
which will be replaced with HTML entity codes.
Insert Entity in Document
If you place the insertion point into a text field and then choose the ΓÇ£Insert EntityΓÇ¥ command, a small window appears. Click on the desired entity symbol to insert the entity code into the field at the insertion point.
Insert Entity into Message Box
If the insertion point is not located in a text field, choosing the ΓÇ£Insert EntityΓÇ¥ command displays the entity window. Click on the entity symbol to display the entity as text in the message box.
You can also display an ASCII character literally by number, using the format
The entity codes are derived from ΓÇ£ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//ENΓÇ¥. Note that all character entities are not implemented on all platforms or browsers.